I have two main things to talk about: software and inactivity. Firstly, software. Earlier today I finally purchased FL Studio, and am so happy that I chose it. I'm kinda confused by it and have no idea what to do but hey I'll get used to it XD (if you know any really helpful tutorials videos, people or other things that might help, let me know down below!) I am going to be rebranding myself very soon, and although I will be starting fresh, I hope to still occasionally upload here... which brings me onto my second topic, inactivity. School is really busy at the moment, I have a lot going on in life, I'm pretty low on inspiration, motivation and ideas, and can't really find much time to make music. I am working on things which I hope to be finishing and releasing soon, but I'm not sure how long they will take and when I'll be able to upload them. As always, I'm sure you amazing people will understand as you're such a great community, but I thought I'd just let you know what was going on. I have several songs that I'm working on and hope to get them finished soon. I can't wait to get back into the community again, and I hope you think the same. Anyways, thank you all for understanding, and I'll see you all soon!